Hackathon for Women in Science and Engineering (TNWISE-2025)

TANCAM’s Hackathon for Women in Science and Engineering (TNWISE-2025), an exclusive initiative for women students in #STEM, innovation, and entrepreneurship.

Last year’s edition saw 3,200+ women students from 250+ colleges presenting 1,106+ projects and winning ₹12 lakh cash prizes. #TNWISE-2025 will expand with six locations and six themes, providing a platform for women innovators to showcase their ideas. The prize pool has increased to ₹19.2 lakh.

TNWISE-2025 aims to inspire the next generation of women leaders in STEM and advance innovation in emerging technologies.

For more details, visit: www.tnwise.com.

Point of Contact :

Dean – Product and Consultancy
Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering
Muthayammal Engineering College (Autonomous)

Professor & Head – AI&DS
Muthayammal Engineering College (Autonomous)